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  • Growbaby International

First "Being Jesus' Hands & Feet" conference

In 2015 it was decided that it would be good to hold a conference which all the various Growbabys could attend. The first conference was held in Kingston upon Thames and over seventy representatives of Growbaby joined us for the day. Our guest speaker was Derek Morphew and the title of the event was “the Kingdom of God and social justice”. We were excited to spend time together and as well as the main speakers we were able to hear from Sophie Fretten at Duncan Lewis Solicitors on the role of support for families in crisis from a legal perspective.

In 2016 Simon Ponsonby joined us to speak on “keeping the cross at the centre” and in 2017 it was Debbie Wright speaking on the subject “moved by compassion”. In 2018 Tri Robinson came over from the USA to speak to us and the day was titled “compassion – the calling card for the emerging generation”. By 2019 we had over a hundred people joining us for the day and Paul and Amanda Cowley joined us to speak on “hope out of despair and hope out of creativity”.

Obviously 2020 and 2021 were affected by the Pandemic and so they were held remotely on zoom, the main speaker in 2020 was Noni Farrelly who spoke on “for such a time as this” and in 2021 Jim Mcmanus and Marie Mondesert shared with us based on the title “Increase our faith”.

It is planned that the Being Jesus hands and feet conference will now run annually.


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