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Angela Large


Angela Large

In 2001 Angela, and her husband, Andrew, sensing a strong call from God to move to inner city London, moved to Hoxton in South Hackney in 2001 with their 3 year old son. Since arriving in the area they have been committed to serving the community in whatever way God leads.

Angela immediately got involved in a local Christian charity called The Ivy Street Family Centre, which serves local young families. With a background in health visiting and community nursing Angela felt completely at home, and loved getting to know lots of the locals.

In 2008 she took on the role of Centre Manager and absolutely thrived in the role, getting to know the young parents, supporting them, playing with the children and organising all kinds of events and activities.

Having been friends with Noni and Peter Farrelly for many years and watched the amazing growth and ministry of Growbaby Kingston, Angela began to dream of starting a Growbaby in Hackney. Noni provided some ideas and guidance, but ultimately released Angela to develop Growbaby in a totally new area. Hoxton Growbaby was launched in 2013 with help from some corporate partners. It was the first such service in Hackney and is now very well respected amongst both statutory and voluntary organisations.

Angela and Andrew still love living in the inner city where God is most definitely at work.

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